This image shows drawing contest winners posing with their prizes and Animal Rahat staff.
These five bright students were selected as the winners of Animal Rahat’s drawing competition at their school.

Staff provided the theme, “Birds are free roaming and do not belong in cages,” and students from a primary school in Karnataka did the rest! They drew happy birds flying gracefully through the sky. When announcing the winners and delivering prizes, the education officer made sure to leave plenty of Compassionate Citizen worksheets for the teachers to pass around. He also encouraged the children to speak up for animals and call Animal Rahat when they see any animal who needs help. The group hosts these drawing competitions in schools throughout Maharashtra, too, and recently, 179 students participated when it came to their school. But let’s not forget the teachers! Nine teachers from a school in Sangli recently attended a workshop on the Compassionate Citizen program, and staff encouraged them to participate in developing each child’s empathy. The education officer is delighted to report that each teacher is faithfully applying this in the classroom.