Sometimes, even the government calls Animal Rahat for help. That was the case when a wolf fell into a well and Forest Department workers found themselves struggling to cope. As soon as they got the call, Animal Rahat’s team members headed to the scene with their rappelling gear, but in the hour and a half that it took to reach the well, department employees and villagers working together had pulled the wolf out using ropes and a net. While he was out of immediate danger, the Animal Rahat veterinary team still had to get to work.

The rescued wolf was being kept in a large cage, and he was in obvious distress. Animal Rahat staff instructed the many curious onlookers to be silent, covered the cage with cloth, and gave the wolf some time to calm down. Two Animal Rahat veterinarians then examined him and discovered some minor wounds, which they treated with topical antiseptics and an injection of a painkiller.

The wolf sits in a large cage. His fur has yellow spots where an antiseptic cream was applied to treat some minor wounds.

The wolf sits calmly after being treated for his wounds. The yellow substance on his fur is an antiseptic cream.

Afterward, Animal Rahat staff reviewed his situation with Forest Department officials, and all agreed that he was ready to be released into his forest home. And he was glad to go!

In a clearing, the large cage sits open as the wolf runs out of it and toward the forest beyond.

The wolf ran out of the cage and right into the forest, relieved to be free again.

Whatever the species—from a trapped wolf to a terribly overworked donkey—Animal Rahat is always ready to come to the aid of an animal in need. Follow the group on Facebook to see more stories like this one and share them with your friends!