This sweet village dog was quaking in fear after she somehow became trapped on top of a shop’s awning.

Animal Rahat’s rescue team helps this dog get down from a shop’s awning.
Animal Rahat’s rescue team could instantly see how terrified she was, as she had tucked her body inward, trying to make herself as small as possible. While one of her rescuers slowly slid biscuits toward her, another placed a ladder in front of the overhang in case she became too overwhelmed and decided to leap to the street below.

A rescuer positions himself in front of the dog to distract her while another team member sets up a ladder.
Although she wouldn’t eat the biscuits, the distraction worked long enough for the other team member to sedate her and bring her back down to solid ground.

Her playful nature finally began to shine through once she’d had a meal and been groomed at the office. After a spay surgery and time to recover, she was brought back to her village.