This image shows a village dog with a large cyst on her neck.
This village dog had a giant cyst growing from her neck and needed help fast. Animal Rahat to the rescue!

The emergency line lit up with the story of this village dog. She was struggling under the weight of a massive (and heavy) cyst the size of a soccer ball hanging from her neck. If it ruptured internally, infection could have spread—with potentially fatal results. Believe it or not, she was hard to catch, probably as the cyst made her nervous of human hands. But the team managed to whisk her away for emergency surgery, and the on-call veterinarian drained a staggering five liters of fluid from the suffocating growth. Over three weeks as she recovered, staff tended her, providing loving care, and spayed and vaccinated her. Then they took her back to her village, where her grateful caretaker’s jaw almost hit the floor on witnessing her stunning transformation.