When Abdul came to us in late 2011, his protruding ribs were a sure sign that he hadn’t received proper nutrition in a long time. At 18 years old, he was already past his working age, and his owner had recently undergone back surgery and couldn’t afford to care for him any longer.


If not for the help of Animal Rahat, Abdul would have been condemned to months of wasting away or been sold for meat and faced a terrifying death in a slaughterhouse. But thanks to our generous supporters, he had a chance to experience a labor-free life with a full stomach, shelter from sun and rain, excellent veterinary care, daily grooming sessions—a real pleasure for bullocks—and the company of lots of friends.

After five years in Animal Rahat’s care,  Abdul’s advanced age caught up with him, severely impairing his mobility and leaving him unable to  digest his food. We laid this gentle bullock  to rest with the love and respect he’d been denied during the many years before he came to our sanctuary.