Animal Rahat is facing an ENORMOUS challenge:
Within a matter of weeks, Animal Rahat must find a way to relocate some 200 donkeys, horses, ponies, goats, and other animals from its sister facility in the lush Nilgiri hills to new sanctuary homes.
This emergency was sparked by a new ruling by the Supreme Court of India that requires all domesticated and domestic animals be moved out of nearly 5,000 acre elephant corridor. This decision is great for elephants but a horror for rescued animals.
To make matters worse, the monsoon season has arrived, bringing torrential rains that make transport difficult.

Staff are making arrangements to move the rescued animals to Animal Rahat’s other sanctuaries, but it is imperative that the group immediately prepares for the influx of animals, and it needs your help.
How You Can Help Animals
Transportation, added staff, extra veterinary care, and infrastructure updates at the group’s existing sanctuaries are desperately needed to ensure the safety of these animals. Please donate today.