This image shows goat Laxmi grooming baby Arjun shortly after he was born.
Laxmi shows tiny Arjun a mother’s boundless love.

When PETA India rescued Laxmi from a circus, she already had one kid in tow. But shortly after her arrival at the Animal Rahat Sangli sanctuary, veterinarians discovered she was going to have another. A few months later, sweet Arjun arrived! Laxmi, who will never again be forced to walk high up on a tight wire, dotes on her sweet kid and teaches him the important things in life, like the best places to graze and how to be a cheeky sweetheart like his big brother, Raj.

This image shows goat Raj playfully spraying water from his mouth.
Spray it, don’t say it, Raj! This new big brother shares his wisdom—one splash at a time.