Around 150 rail-thin horses are forced to haul massive bundles of goods up the miserable 31-mile climb from Dasturi to a hill station named Matheran before being made to turn back again to collect another load. Their owners often fit the animals with shoes themselves, and many horses are forced to walk wearing the wrong size, which causes them great discomfort. Owners also attempt to administer medicines without veterinary training, causing the animals to suffer from injection-site wounds while being deprived of the appropriate treatments they need. Animal Rahat set up a free pop-up health clinic for these beleaguered animals, providing vaccinations, deworming medicines, and care for lameness, facial paralysis, eye cancer, saddle wounds, hobble lesions, and cracked hooves. The team confiscated spiked bits and educated owners on better practices. But this effort was just the start. The detailed information staff gathered will help them formulate a long-term plan to bring rahat (“relief”) to the Matheran equines.