Someone called Animal Rahat about a fox who had fallen into a well, so a rescue team was quickly dispatched and soon learned that the animal had been struggling to survive in the well for two days. As you can see in the photo, she had managed to squeeze herself onto a narrow ledge. To make matters worse, her brush (or tail) was badly injured and bleeding.

The team lowered a net and a rope and managed to lift the fox out safely, but she was terrified and behaving defensively, so they sedated her so that they could examine her. It turned out that her tail had been broken and required amputation, which the team performed, closing the wound with dissolvable stitches.

After giving the injured animal a painkiller, the team took her to the Forest Department, which has jurisdiction over wildlife issues, and visited her to check on her recovery. She was eventually released into the area where Animal Rahat’s team had rescued her—albeit with a shorter tail!