This jackal spent an exhausting 24 hours desperately trying to escape from a vast reservoir nearly six times the size of an Olympic swimming pool! He had tumbled down the sloping sides and landed in the cold, deep water, where he had no choice but to swim for his life, paddling the entire length of the reservoir several times, ever more frantically searching for a way out.
He tried his best to scale the steep walls of the reservoir, but their plastic lining was too slippery and it was impossible for him to reach anywhere near the top before hopelessly sliding back down into the water.
After receiving a call for help from a forest department employee, Animal Rahat’s team rushed to the spot with all the rescue and rappelling tools at their disposal. The slick, sloping sides made a safe rescue tricky, so the team got creative.
They lowered a large net down the side of the reservoir for the jackal to use as a makeshift ladder. After a bit of coaxing, he finally swam toward the net. He took a few moments to gather his strength and confidence before using the bottom of the net to pull himself out of the water. Finally able to maintain his grip, he continued his climb until he reached the top.
He realized that he was finally free and immediately ran from the reservoir before disappearing into the safety of a nearby thicket.