When Animal Rahat’s friends at PETA India found Bhola, he was trying to survive by eating trash on the roads in Delhi. He had likely been discarded after being forced to work at an ice factory, used for cruel bullock cart races, or made to serve some other miserable human purpose. Knowing how many dangerous things animals can ingest when sifting through trash, like plastic bags which cause impaction, the veterinarians at the Ranapur sanctuary got to work right away, flushing foreign objects out of his system and providing other vital care. Bhola spent time with new friends, strolled the sanctuary grounds, and made regular visits to his favorite scratching posts. But his condition worsened, and staff knew it was serious. Bhola died surrounded by humans and animals who cared for him. Veterinarians determined that a sharp nail he had ingested had pierced his stomach. Animal Rahat staffers will use his story to educate owners.
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