This unfortunate cow fell into an 8-foot-deep trench and was trapped. So the Animal Rahat team deposited dirt into the trench in order to form a slope to make it easier to pull her out. After this mission was accomplished, we gave her a painkiller for an abrasion that she’d sustained and transferred her to the local goshala (cow sanctuary).
In our work to ease the suffering of donkeys who are loaded down with enormous stacks of bricks at the brick kilns, we make regular visits to vaccinate them for tetanus and treat their injuries—particularly to their hooves, which often become infected like the one seen below.
Another way that we’re improving these donkeys’ lives is by persuading their owners to erect temporary canopies at the brick kilns so that they can have some relief from the scorching sun.
We are currently exploring possible ways to mechanize the brick-hauling process so that the use of donkeys can eventually be phased out.