In addition to regaining their freedom, trapped animals who are rescued by Animal Rahat often benefit in other ways as well, such as by being sterilized and vaccinated against rabies.

For example, recently the pup below wedged himself so deeply underneath a concrete slab that all that was visible was the side of his face.

Fortunately, his cry was loud enough that a villager heard it and called for help. After the rescue team members arrived, they used an iron bar to pry off the slab and free the puppy, who immediately ran to his mother. She was no doubt frantic from hearing his cries and not being able to help him. After the reunion, the team members took him with them temporarily to neuter and vaccinate him. Of course, they promptly returned him to his mother the next day.

While Animal Rahat cares for more dogs than cats, it does have feline “clients.” The cat shown above was trapped in a duct on the third floor of an apartment building. The situation called for rappelling skills—this time down from the building’s terrace. (If the team members wore blue-and-red bodysuits, they could be stunt doubles in the next Spider-Man film!)

A staffer extracted the cat from the duct and brought her back to the office, where she was spayed and vaccinated. She recovered quickly, and the team returned her to her neighborhood and released her the next day.