I hope you are well and that you are ready for the latest news from Animal Rahat, where staff members have been working nonstop. Thanks to your support, Animal Rahat activists were able to improve the lives of many wonderful animals in the past month. As you read my notes on everything from “horn rasping” to broken-down donkey colts, I hope you’ll be pleased with the vital role that you have played in it all.


Raghu rescued donkey with wound bandaged


Raghu rescued donkey at RBH


This beautiful 6-month-old donkey colt is Raghu. The Animal Rahat team responded to a call from the village of Miraj, where someone had spotted an abandoned donkey suffering from a wound on his left hind leg. Animal Rahat’s veterinarians suspect that this little fellow was either badly abused by his owner or hit on the busy streets of Miraj. His nostrils had been slit open with a knife because of the mistaken belief that this allows more air into the donkey’s lungs, enabling him to work harder. The team treated the wound and took him to Animal Rahat’s sanctuary, Simone’s Place, where he is recovering nicely. Raghu will be a permanent part of the Animal Rahat family and will never again have to fend for himself on the streets.