The image on the left shows the dog lying on a pile of broken concrete with a plastic container covering his head, and the image on the right shows Animal Rahat hanging up banners in Maharashtra.
Lying on a pile of broken concrete, this dog gave up all hope when he could not free himself.

The rescue team caught up with this distraught fellow as he was bobbing and weaving through traffic—his vision obstructed by the plastic container covering his head. Staff knew he couldn’t breathe or even see properly, so they herded him away from the road. Somehow, despite this encumbrance, he gave the team quite the chase. Eventually, however, he became so worn out he had to lie down. It was then the rescuers were able to get close enough to sedate him. His hero gently removed the container—crushing it so that no other animal desperate for a drop of water or a morsel of food would stick their head inside and suffer in the same way. He had two injuries on his hind legs, so the team took him to a safe place nearby to clean him up and dress his wounds. After a ride to the closest field office and a night’s rest, he was neutered, vaccinated, and had a much-needed trim of his overgrown nails. When he was feeling better and his wounds had healed, the team took him back to his village. In multiple locations across Maharashtra, staff have hung plenty of banners warning against irresponsible garbage disposal.